2012. november 18., vasárnap

V I S I O N  of  E U R O P E

In recent centuries, the Rulers of Europe have succeeded in subjecting neighbouring peoples through the use of force. These rulers seized their homelands – placing their cultures, languages, and identities in peril – as they tried (and continue to try) everything to assimilate them.

They commandeered these peoples as though they had been their sole property forever, as if these peoples did not exist at a social level where they could take care of themselves. Laws have been made for them, instead of by them, in a quite sophisticated way.

Plenty of theories have been formulated to justify the rulers’ right to dominate these peoples, and they trumpet their legitimacy as they lord over peoples who only wish to reclaim their land, their rightful heritage and history.

They strongly warn those struggling for independence to resort only to legal means. Meanwhile, they conveniently forget about the unlawful and forcible means they have employed for centuries.

Europe has always been at the forefront of conquest in history.

Over time, the rulers have concentrated ever more power in the economies, the populations, and the lands that they have occupied. These powers have made every effort to acquire increasingly vast armies and empires. Hence, they entered into competition with one another to seize larger areas of European land. Out of necessity, they declared wars upon each other, plunging Europe time and time again into long battles and extended periods of strife.rldket.vényességét azok felett, akik vissza akarják szerezni jogos örökségüket,  

These hostilities form the backbone of European history.
For the powers, such activities became a routine, which encouraged them to put to sea, to continue their conquests on the far continents. This expansion resulted in more hostilities among them. The colonial system may have collapsed like an avalanche many decades ago, but many peoples in Europe have yet to regain their independence and
heirt bachkték vissza függetlenségüket és elvett örökségüket.their rightful heritage.

Although these powers failed in the colonies, they have nonetheless succeeded in
Europe, ruling even today with their highly sophisticated methods.

The kings were beheaded, their royal power was seized. Power changed hands, from one regime to another. They came, went, and then disappeared. Still, each subsequent ruling power retained the wealth that had been seized by the malicious deposed kings.

How very strange it is that even the Communist powers did not restore anybody’s wealth! What is more, they occupied and confiscated new lands to enlarge their Communist empire.
(See Soviet power, China, etc.)

Fortunately, however, where the great kings and royal powers did not succeed, the bourgeois, capitalist and communist powers failed as well.

No one has managed to eradicate the culture, the language, and the national feelings of these subject peoples.

That is why the Stateless Nations and Minority Peoples in Europe continue to live on.
They keep growing, becoming increasingly stronger and ever more conscious.
They have plans to win back their autonomy and regain their independence after all these centuries.

There are going to be some changes in
The conscience of
Europe is slowly beginning to awaken in the 21st century.

The borders among the European Union’s member countries have been opened, which has given rise to free border crossing. Minority families that have been torn apart for generations have been able to reunite. The Stateless Nations and Minority Peoples can revive their centuries-old cultures, their languages and values that have been dismissed, scorned, or outright forbidden at the European level.

All the peoples of Europe would like freedom, to regain their independence, to enjoy equal rights and equal status.

They share a vision that there will soon be many little countries representing the separate nations with symbolic borders that will be marked on the map and drawn up in treaties, so that people may cross the frontiers in a more loose, free and informal way.

These new countries may join new alliances, new political and economic entities, as it suits them.  They will decide without compulsion, electing and choosing leaders freely in the new political and economic “field of force”. (See
Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union, etc.)

Like unstable atoms that burst into elementary particles which afterward fuse into stable atoms with greater nuclear energy, unstable lands break apart into Stateless Nations and groups of Minority Peoples. Then, they establish new countries, unite in a new nation, or enter into an existing alliance resolutely, acting upon their own free will, on the basis of the people’s principles and their right to self-determination.  

    Unstable lands       -------------------->    break apart into minority groups      ------------------>    then they establish
                                                                                           and nations                                   new lands by free elections
      2 lands                               fall break apart into 5 nations  or                                    5 nations unite in a new land 
                                                                               minority groups                                    or another variation when    
                                                                                                                                           4 nations unite in a new land
                                                                                                                                        1 nation establishes a new 

That time may come at last, when not a single country needs to fear its neighbours
or other peoples, since all of them will have given back whatever they seized from
other peoples, and all of them will have received back what other peoples seized
from them

This would be the ideal New Europe, az ÚJEURÓPA, the best of all possible Europes,
which a great many people would desire. Were this to occur at last, there would be peace and security, and people could breathe freely in every corner of the continent.nd e.ners of  people         ll posible Europes )

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